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Parent Involvement Committee

PIC - Who We Are?

We are a group of parents at the Sundance Elementary School, that invest our time and energy in bringing together school and home. We want to see the Little Bulldogs of Sundance Elementary School succeed in life by helping the staff to build strong minds and enhance the wonderful characteristics of our children. We do this by organizing family events, sponsoring school activities, and helping to fund needs of the school, staff, and students.


PIC - How to get involved?

One of best way to get involved is by attending our monthly meetings. Our meetings are held after school in an available school classroom, that has yet to be determined. Your students are welcome at meetings, as are your younger children. Meetings are kept as short and simple as possible running typically 30 minutes. Upcoming meeting dates and agendas are posted on Facebook. Miss a meeting? Look on our Facebook page or here on the elementary webpage for our meeting minutes.

PIC What else you can do?

Volunteer to help at a PIC event. You can serve breakfast for Morning with Moms, run a station at field day, or bring in food for teacher appreciation week, and these are just a few examples. The more parents that help and support their student when PIC is fundraising the more the Parent Involvement Committee can do to help support Sundance Elementary School and our students.

You can find us on Facebook under Sundance PIC Parent Involvement Committee. 


Upcoming Meetings for PIC
September 17th

October 15th

November 19th

December 17th

January 21st

February 18th

March 11th

April 15th

May 20th




Other Important Upcoming Dates:

Coming Soon!